Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I had planned to make a bunch of Where Is Kobe Bryant's Head Today? posts...but my camera on my phone just died. More Owl photos soon.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Big Show posing in front of our handiwork. This is how it stands as of today. We need more plywood for the walls. Plywood for the wings. Shingles for the outside. What do you think?

In all the plywood we had sitting around...we only had one piece big enough to cover one wall. We were joking about how usually you cover the side where you can look into other people's backyard first. Wouldn't want to see sunbathing we aren't supposed to see. We didn't worry much about it.

Big Show and I had a big discussion about how big the third section should be. It is going to be the head of the owl. We finally decided to just double the height of the first floor with the second two sections. When we did that. We just decided to make it so the third "floor" would just be another box on top.

We totally Water Sealed the top. Screw Tarps! We'll have to come up with a good way to get the water not to just sit on the parts that are not covered. Maybe by now you're saying...."hmmm...I can actually see that turning into a giant owl."

It was a nice day so I took the trip to Home Depot. The total frat boy who helped me put a flag on the 2x4s sticking out the back of my truck says "Man...such a nice day to work on stuff." I said "Oh...I have no idea if I'm building anything today." "Why not?" said the dude with his hat on broken. "Because I'm building a giant owl..." Blank Stares....

I'm pretty sure this was days after Osama Bin Laden had been captured. I went to Home Depot and got a ton of 2x4s. The older lady at the check out counter started telling me about all the people who worked at Home Depot making extreme comments about Bin Laden. "I'm glad he's not on the Earth...but we did just kill a man." I think I was pretty delirious and just started rambling about all the people who had died in the Mid-West during the tornadoes. Then rambling about NASA and going to the moon and how it relates to Hurricane Katrina. It all makes sense in my head....I think I freaked the lady out.

I'm sure at the end of the day I sat smiling. Glaring.

Side angle picture. Proves we went a little overboard on studs. My roommates friend came over and looked at the owl. I guess he was an engineer that built stuff for Burning Man or something. I think he thought we were crazy just for using so much stuff. Who cares! This isn't supposed to be a hippy owl. It's supposed to be a solid owl.

We did a bunch of work this day. Got a roof and nailed it in. It was that day that one of the neighbor ladies asked me "What are you building?" When I replied "A giant owl" twice....she seemed confused. I finally said "an adult clubhouse." She laughed and said "I thought it was a hookah shack." I wanted to yell something about not smoking the pots. I got super excited and started work on the second floor...

There he is! The debut appearance of The Big Show. We had a long conversation about how to start the second floor of the owl. We might have gone a little overkill on studs...but works! We both sat on it and quickly got excited about putting a roof on it. I'm pretty sure this was the day we took 2 trips to Home Depot.

I love this picture. When I'd show people on my phone they would be totally confused. I'm sure this is when the neighbors started to get confused also. Oh I forgot to say earlier that my parents asked me "what is under that tarp in the backyard?" I said "Ummm...I'm building a giant owl." I explained why...which I'm not quite sure if I explained what it is in reference to...and then said it's really like a big adult clubhouse. My dad yelled in the background "I'll bring down some extra plywood I have sitting around." This is when it really felt like we had accomplished something...

This is like the giant owl equivalent to the close up shot of an emo girl on facebook or myspace. Odd angle....showing "the inside in a different light."

So yeah. We started putting up lots of like angled beams to make sure everything would be secure. Then of course it started raining again. We tried to get a really big tarp to cover the whole thing but it didn't really work. Brian Senior made a joke about using Thompson's Water Seal about this time. Because you can put it on everything. Like that old Chris Rock joke about putting 'Tussin on broken arms.

Alternate angle of the last post. I think we got this up and said "oh crap...we should have gotten a bunch of more 10 foot 2x4s." We love taking trips to Home Depot. More on that later...

After probably a few months we got back to work. We found out that some of our 2x4s weren't long enough so we had to get some 10 foot ones. Kinda crazy how fast some of this stuff works. We have no blue prints. We just make it up as we go.

Oops. Time Travel. This was before we put down plywood for the floor. The picture was just in the wrong folder.

It rains alot in Oregon. My co-conspirator The Big Show (who you'll probably see in some pictures coming up) would seem to make plans to do a bunch of stuff...and then it would we'd get drunk instead. So here is the base covered in a tarp and the walls beginning to take shape. Like magic.

So I posted probably a few months ago an overly dramatic depressed post. Still probably true and probably still makes me sound crazy. Anyways...I said i was going to build an owl in my back yard. I really am. I'm going to start posting all the pictures from the process. This is the base of the owl along with the beginnings of some walls. WEEEE

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My band! Rock!

Where is Kobe Bryant's Head Today?

Kobe's head is on a Power Ranger riding a tractor!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bohemian Grove

Shitty shit happens in your life. Everyone abandons you. You get punished for the actions of others. So what do you do? You decide to build a giant owl in your back yard in honor of the Bohemian Grove. If you didn't know...the Bohemian Club is a bunch of rich guys that get together every July for 17 days and just party among the Red Woods and hour and a half north of San Fran. I really don't care about the conspiracy aspect of the whole thing. I just love the fact they have a forty foot tall stone owl with the voice of Walter Cronkite for a special ceremony called the "Cremation of Care." Here's the first step of building my giant owl.

Where is Kobe Bryant's Head Today?

Look! Kobe's Head is on the hand of a pizza maker!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Bomb Note

This note is probably my favorite note in music. You might be sitting listening to a new song. The guitars are wailing. The singer is reaching for those notes that he probably can't hit live. Then suddenly out of no where......The Bomb. That note that rattles your bones and your face and you can't believe what you're hearing.

Do you know what I'm talking about? In music theory it's usually the root note of whatever scale you're playing in. Usually whatever you've tuned your open E string to. The drone note.

Don't quote me on this but I'm sure this note has something to do with Eastern music. The sitar is played with a constant drone note with a melody played on top of that. With the guitar you can do the same thing....and with electrified instruments you can extend that note to unheard of levels.

Classic example....The song Effigy by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Not a well known jam by them. It's off Willy and the Poor Boys. I'm an idiot and thought it was from Pendulum because I like that album better.  For some reason songs with the Bomb Note tend to be album closers....or live show closers. You've been listening to pleasant songs and suddenly BOOM the lowest note you've heard all night.

Most inventive example....recently fell in love with the band Floor. Floor was the lead singer of Torche's old band that were "around" for most of the 90s but never really found love until after they broke up. I read a lot about this band and how the members would go see bands like The Melvins or Cathedral and look at each other and go "We need to tune lower." At first listen you might not understand what the hell is going on...but listen closely and you'll understand the theory of "you can't get any lower than a broken E string." A note so low that it's really not a note at all. It's more like a audible bomb going off.

If you begin to think about'll hear it everywhere. The one note that makes you want to pee your pants. Melts faces like the Ark of the Covenant. Remember that scene in Private Parts where the girl sits on the speaker? She'd love Da Bomb.

Listen to'll get it.