Thursday, March 31, 2011

My band! Rock!

Where is Kobe Bryant's Head Today?

Kobe's head is on a Power Ranger riding a tractor!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bohemian Grove

Shitty shit happens in your life. Everyone abandons you. You get punished for the actions of others. So what do you do? You decide to build a giant owl in your back yard in honor of the Bohemian Grove. If you didn't know...the Bohemian Club is a bunch of rich guys that get together every July for 17 days and just party among the Red Woods and hour and a half north of San Fran. I really don't care about the conspiracy aspect of the whole thing. I just love the fact they have a forty foot tall stone owl with the voice of Walter Cronkite for a special ceremony called the "Cremation of Care." Here's the first step of building my giant owl.

Where is Kobe Bryant's Head Today?

Look! Kobe's Head is on the hand of a pizza maker!