Friday, December 31, 2010

Sleater-Kinney - The Hot Rock

Call The Doctor made them known. I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone. But it was too riot grrl for most.
Dig Me Out got them in Time Magazine. Best Rock Band.
The Woods got them praise. Yeah the album where their own producer said "I don't really like your band."

This was the album that cemented them as important to me. I'd heard them a little back in the 90s. Living in the Northwest and knowing about stuff made them at least available to hear. It wasn't until a girl in Chicago sent me a mix tape with Words And Guitar (from Dig Me Out) that I understood them.

This album was so subdued musically. Where were the hooks? They aped the hooks on Dig Me Out and on the two follow ups to this album. This was like the Temple of Doom album. The Empire Strikes Back. The darker follow up to something that got them noticed.

I think this album for me really did it for me because it seems to have a tone, a place, a feeling all it's own. Yeah it still sounds like Sleater-Kinney, but it didn't need to be so happy or so angry or so in the red with guitar solos that sound like garbage. Maybe this is the Blood On The Tracks. I've never really thought about it. Never been one to analyze lyrics. This is just the album that sounds to me like they aren't trying to grab just does.

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